Identity Disc Replica from the movie Tron Legacy Step into the futuristic world of Tron Legacy with our meticulously crafted Identity Disc Replica!
This exceptional piece of craftsmanship is more than just a collectible; it's a fully functional and visually captivating replica that allows you to immerse yourself in the thrilling world of Tron Legacy.
Whether you're a die-hard Tron fan or simply a lover of cutting-edge technology, this replica is the perfect addition to your collection or an unforgettable gift for a fellow enthusiast.
One of the standout features of our Identity Disc Replica is its retractable blade, meticulously designed to replicate the iconic weapon from the movie.
With a blade strong enough to break thin glass, you can truly feel the power and authenticity of the Tron universe in your hands.
Signature Edition - Retractable blade (Ships mid JAN 2025)
- Retractable Blades: The outer blades of the disc are retractable on motion or by accessing certain modes, such as Clock, Graphic Equalizer
- The outer shells are made of Steel
- Color Customization: Choose colors for the disc's outer and inner blades, add a specific music or song, and assign a custom name
- Background Music Effect: Connect the Disc to a PC and can copy your favourite Tron or any music to play as a background music
- Sound font Customization: Connect the Disc to a PC and can change any sound effect to your custom sound
- Remote Control Access: You can connect the Disc to your phone using Wi-Fi, and have a range of controls on the Disc
- Bluetooth Audio: Connect the disc to an external Bluetooth speaker and stream its sounds for an enhanced audio experience
- Audio and Dialog Player: There is a button on the Mobile web page, to play dialogs or Songs copied to the Disc from your PC
- Batteries: Can take up to two 18650 rechargeable batteries and has fast charging support
- Make: The outer shell of the Disc many interior parts are made of Steel, the retractable outer blades are made of strong acrylic, which is able to break thin glass
- FREE Shipping through FedEx priority Shipping
- FREE Wall/Back mount included